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5 Proven Basic Steps to Health

tomatoes-p.jpg1. Healthy foods – fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, milk and milk products, fish, eggs, nuts etc. Limitation of food that contains concentrated fats, cholesterol, salt, sugar. Limitation of alcohol. Avoiding fried food. Regular meals – missing a breakfast, lunch or dinner leads to starvation or surfeit.
2. Sports – the regular physical activity ( 30 minutes daily ) leads to: lowering of the blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease, strengthens the bones, muscles and joints, helps to maintain normal body weight, lowers the stress level, improves the sleep

3. Non smoking – quiting of smoking leads to the following positive effects:
– 20 minutes after you stop to smoke your blood pressure lowers
– 12 hours after the last cigarette the level of CO becomes normal
– 2 weeks to 3 months after you stop smoking the blood circulation is much better and the function of the lungs improves
– 1 to 9 months the cough must be reduced
– 1 year – the high risk of heart disease is 50% lower
The bad breath, teeth coloring, nails coloring disappear. Skin looks muck better. Overall health condition improves.

4. Regular medical checks – this is one of the most important thing, that you can do for yourself. Ask your doctor what kind of tests are appropriate for your age and gender.

5. Positive attitude
This is very important. You must determine objectives such as to quit smoking, to start exercising etc. Make a plan. Make small steps towards the big goal. The small victories will give you motivation to achieve bigger victories. Find friends that have same objectives and share, support and encourage each other.Celebrate success.


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